version used
show version
implicit prologue |
hello world |
compiler |
bytecode compiler |
shebang |
command line program |
file suffixes |
block delimiters |
statement separator
top level statements |
expression delimiters |
are expressions statements |
word separator
source code encoding |
identifier |
quoted identifier |
are identifiers case sensitive |
local variable |
initialize variable |
uninitialized local variable |
regions which define lexical scope |
global variable |
uninitialized global variable |
immutable variable |
compile time constant
parallel assignment
compound assignment
increment and decrement
address |
dereference |
type size |
value size |
address arithmetic |
reference count pointer |
weak pointer |
allocate heap |
uninitialized heap |
free heap |
identifier as value |
variable attributes
non-referential identifier |
unit type and value |
null test
coalesce |
nullif |
undefined variable
remove variable |
conditional expression
branch type mismatch |
declare expression type |
boolean type |
true and false
logical operators
short circuit operators |
relational expression |
relational operators
min and max |
three value comparison |
integer type |
integer literal |
unsigned type |
float type |
float literal |
fixed type |
numeric predicates |
arithmetic expression |
arithmetic operators
add integer and float |
unary negation |
integer division
integer division by zero
divmod |
float division
float division by zero
power |
sqrt |
sqrt -1
transcendental functions
transcendental constants |
float truncation
absolute value
integer overflow
float overflow
float limits |
arbitrary length integer type |
arbitrary length integer operations |
rational type |
rational construction |
rational decomposition |
decimal approximation |
complex type |
complex construction |
complex decomposition |
random number
random seed
bit operators
binary, octal, and hex literals |
string type |
string predicate |
allocate string |
string literal
newline in literal
literal escapes
custom delimiters |
here document
unquoted string literal |
variable interpolation
expression interpolation |
format string
are strings mutable? |
copy string |
compare strings |
translate case
capitalize |
number to string |
string to number |
string join
split |
split in two
split and keep delimiters |
prefix and suffix test |
index of substring
character type |
character predicate |
character literal |
character lookup
character index |
character tests |
chr and ord
to array of characters |
test character |
translate characters
delete characters |
squeeze characters |
literal, custom delimited literal |
character class abbreviations |
anchors |
match test
case insensitive match test |
match, prematch, postmatch
group capture
named group capture |
backreference in match and substitution |
recursive regex |
broken-down datetime type |
unix epoch type |
current datetime |
current unix epoch |
broken-down datetime to unix epoch |
unix epoch to broken-down datetime |
datetime to string |
format datetime |
parse datetime |
parse datetime w/o format |
date parts |
time parts |
build broken-down datetime |
day of week and day of year |
datetime subtraction |
add duration |
local time zone determination |
time zone info
daylight savings test |
nonlocal time zone |
microseconds |
declare |
call |
define static class method |
call static class method |
define with block body |
undefine |
redefine |
overload |
define piecewise |
nest |
missing argument behavior
default argument
named parameters
variadic function |
pass array elements as separate arguments |
parameter alias
uninitialized parameter alias |
return value
no return value |
multiple return values
named return values
execute on return
recursive function |
mutually recursive functions |
anonymous function literal
call anonymous function |
closure |
function with private state |
function as value |
generator |
decorator |
compose functions |
partial application |
overload operator |
call operator like function |
call function like operator |
lazy evaluation |
strict evaluation |
switch |
for |
for with local scope |
infinite loop |
break from nested loops |
continue |
statement modifiers
single statement branches and loops |
dangling else |
goto |
longjmp |
base exception
predefined exceptions |
handle |
define |
re-raise exception |
catch-all handler
multiple handlers |
uncaught exception behavior |
global variable for last exception |
error message |
system call errno |
stack trace |
finally block
exception specification |
sleep |
timeout |
start thread
terminate current thread |
terminate other thread |
list threads |
wait on thread
lock |
create message queue |
send message |
receive message |
standard file handles |
read line from stdin |
end-of-file behavior |
write line to stdout
write formatted string to stdout |
open file for reading
open file for writing
set file handle encoding
open file for appending |
close file
close file implicitly |
i/o error |
encoding error |
read line
iterate over file by line
read file into array of strings |
read file into string |
write string
write line
flush file handle
end-of-file test
file handle position
open temporary file |
in memory stream |
create empty file |
file exists test, file regular test
file size
is file readable, writable, executable |
set file permissions |
last modification time |
copy file, remove file, rename file |
create symlink, symlink test, readlink |
generate unused file name |
parse csv |
generate csv |
parse json |
generate json |
parse yaml |
generate yaml |
parse xml |
generate xml |
parse html |
working directory
program directory |
build pathname |
dirname and basename |
absolute pathname |
iterate over directory by file |
glob paths |
make directory |
recursive copy |
remove empty directory |
remove directory and contents |
directory test
generate unused directory |
system temporary file directory |
command line arguments
program name |
environment variable
iterate over environment variables |
user id and name |
executable test
external command
shell-escaped external command
command substitution
get pid, parent pid |
subprocess pid |
set signal handler
send signal |
command line options |
standard library name |
compile library |
link library |
load library
load library in subdirectory |
hot patch
load error |
library path
library path environment variable |
library path command line option |
main routine in library |
namespace declaration
subnamespace declaration |
namespace separator
import definitions
import all definitions in namespace
shadow avoidance
application environment
multiple installations |
package manager
package specification format |
define class
create object
get and set attribute
instance variable accessibility |
define method
invoke method
method missing
method alias |
define class method |
invoke class method
universal base class |
subclass |
mixin |
object id |
inspect type
basic types |
inspect class |
inspect class hierarchy |
has method?
message passing
inspect methods
inspect attributes
pretty print
source line number and file name |
command line documentation |
get local hostname, dns lookup, reverse dns lookup |
http get
http post |
absolute url |
parse url |
url encode/decode
base64 encode |
get window |
get document root |
css selector |
get attribute |
set attribute |
children of node |
append node |
remove node |
get parent node |
get and set text |
set click handler |
remove click handler |
test class |
run all tests |
run single test |
equality assertion |
approximate assertion |
regex assertion |
exception assertion |
mock method |
setup |
teardown |
coverage |
check syntax
flag for stronger warnings |
flag for stronger errors |
suppress warnings |
treat warnings as errors |
lint |
source cleanup |
run debugger |
debugger commands |
benchmark code |
cpu usage |
profile code |
memory tool |
declare on stack |
declare on stack with runtime expression for size |
declare on heap |
free heap |
initialization list
out-of-bounds |
copy |
realloc |
as function argument |
sort |
declare |
initialization list |
quote words
capacity |
empty test
out-of-bounds behavior |
element index |
slice to end
manipulate back
manipulate front
concatenate |
replicate |
array as function argument |
iterate over elements
iterate over indices and elements |
iterate over range |
instantiate range as array |
reverse |
sort |
dedupe |
relative complement, symmetric difference |
min and max element
universal and existential tests
shuffle and sample |
flatten |
cartesian product |
unit difference |
difference of 10 |
difference of 0.1 |
iterate over arithmetic sequence |
convert arithmetic sequence to array |
literal |
empty list |
empty list test |
cons |
head |
tail |
head and tail of empty list |
cons cell |
length |
nth element |
element index |
update |
manipulate front |
take |
drop] |
iterate |
reverse |
sort |
map |
filter |
fold from left |
fold from right |
membership |
universal test |
existential test |
zip lists |
association list lookup |
property list lookup |
apply association list |
type |
literal |
constructor |
lookup |
decompose |
update |
length |
pair literal |
pair constructor |
pair lookup |
pair update |
missing key behavior
is key present
delete |
from array of pairs, from even length array |
merge |
invert |
intersection |
relative complement |
keys and values as arrays |
sort by values |
default value, computed value |
element type |
permitted element types |
2d literal |
construct 2d array from sequence of elements
construct 2d array from rows |
construct 2d array from columns |
construct 2d array from 2d arrays
2d array lookup |
out-of-bounds behavior |
1d index lookup of 2d array |
slice |
update |
higher order update |
transpose |
map elements |
higher order map |
construct 3d array from sequence of elements |
construct 3d array from 2d arrays |
construct 3d array from sequence of sequences of rows |
swap axes |
type alias |
new type |
algebraic sum type |
enumerated type |
union type |
algebraic product type |
algebraic product type literal |
type constructor with argument |
type constructor with tuple argument |
generic type |
recursive type |
match/with case/of |
match guard |
match catchall |
option type |
member offset |
define generic type |
instantiate generic type |
generic array |
value parameter |
template parameter |
template specialization |
multiple type parameters |
generic type parameters |
variadic template |
include file |
add system directory |
define macro |
command line macro |
undefine macro |
macro operators |
backquote and comma |
defmacro |
defmacro w/ backquote |
macro predicate |
macroexpand |
splice quote |
recursive macro |
hygienic |
local values |
version |
repl |
interpreter |
compiler |
new |
import |
non-bundled java libraries |
shadowing avoidance |
convert native array to java array |
are java classes subclassable? |
are java class open? |
construct from column arrays |
construct from row tuples |
categorical variable column |
column names as array |
lookup datum |
order rows by column |
order rows by multiple columns |
order rows in descending order |
limit rows |
offset rows |
attach columns |
detach columns |
spreadsheet editor |
import tab delimited |
import csv |
set column separator |
set column separator to whitespace |
set quote character |
set column names |
set column types |
recognize null values |
change decimal mark |
recognize thousands separator |
unequal row length behavior |
skip rows |
max rows to read |
index column |
export tab delimited |
export csv |
project columns by name |
project columns by position |
project expression |
project all columns |
rename columns |
select rows |
select distinct rows |
split rows |
inner join |
nulls as join values |
left join |
full join |
antijoin |
cross join |
row count |
group by column |
group by multiple columns |
aggregation functions |
nulls and aggregation functions |
rank |
quantile |
having |
vector literal |
element-wise arithmetic operators |
result of vector length mismatch |
scalar multiplication |
dot product |
cross product |
norms |
literal or constructor |
constant matrices
diagonal matrices
dimensions |
element lookup |
scalar multiplication |
element-wise operators |
multiplication |
power |
kronecker product |
comparison |
norms |
transpose |
conjugate transpose |
inverse |
pseudoinverse |
determinant |
trace |
eigenvalues |
eigenvectors |
singular value decomposition |
solve system of equations |
sparse matrix construction |
sparse matrix decomposition |
sparse identity matrix |
dense matrix to sparse matrix
sparse matrix storage |
first moment statistics |
second moment statistics |
second moment statistics for samples |
skewness |
kurtosis |
nth moment and nth central moment |
mode |
quantile statistics |
bivariate statistiscs
correlation matrix |
data set to frequency table |
frequency table to data set |
bin |
student t
snedecor F
empirical density function |
empirical cumulative distribution |
empirical quantile function |
simple linear regression
no intercept |
multiple linear regression |
polynomial regression |
logistic regression |
wilcoxon signed-rank test
kruskal-wallis rank sum test
kolmogorov-smirnov test
one-sample t-test
independent two-sample t-test
one-sample binomial test
two-sample binomial test
chi-squared test
poisson test
F test
pearson product moment test
shapiro-wilk test
bartlett test
levene test
one-way anova
time series |
monthly time series |
lookup by time |
lookup by position in series |
aligned arithmetic |
lagged difference |
simple moving average |
weighted moving average |
exponential smoothing |
exponential smoothing with best least squares fit |
decompose into seasonal and trend |
correlogram |
test for stationarity |
arma |
arima |
arima with automatic model selection |
 vertical bar chart |
 horizontal bar chart |
 pie chart |
 stem-and-leaf plot |
 histogram |
 box plot |
chart title |
 grid of subplots |
open new plot window |
save plot as png |
 stacked bar chart |
 grouped bar chart |
 scatter plot |
point types |
 hexagonal binning |
 linear regression line |
 polygonal line plot |
line types |
 function plot |
 quantile-quantile plot |
axis labels |
axis limits |
logarithmic y-axis |
 additional line set |
colors |
superimposed plots with different y-axis scales |
 legend |
 additional point set |
 stacked area chart |
 overlapping area chart |
 3d scatter plot |
 bubble chart |
 scatter plot matrix |
 contour plot |